Здійснено спробу створення альтернативного образу класика української
літератури І. Нечуя-Левицького на основі реальних подій і фактів із його
життя. Виявлено специфіку творення образу письменника автором
роману. Розглянуто характерні стилістичні риси стімпанку як жанрового
тла твору. Зроблено спробу витлумачити деякі алюзій, цитації,
ремінісценції як елементи авторської літературної гри, які корелюють із
біографією І. Нечуя-Левицького. Простежено паралелі між текстом
роману і "текстом дійсності".
The ongoing process of rethinking historical and literary phenomena and figures in the modern world determines the significance of the topic of research. Thus, in a cinematographic novel "Nechuy. Nemov. Nebach" the author attempts to create an alternative image of the classic of Ukrainian literature based on real events and facts from his life. This study is designed to identify the features of creating I. Nechuy-Levytsky image by the author of the text. To do this, we outlined some of the characteristic stylistic features of steampunk as the genre of the novel. An attempt is made at identifying particular allusions, citations and reminiscences as elements of the author"s literary game, which correlate with the biography of I. Nechuy-Levytsky.& In this regard, particular attention is paid to comparative methods of the study. As a result, the interrelation between the text of the novel and the "text of reality" is shown. It can be concluded that the "grown-old" image of I. Nechuy-Levytsky h&as given way to the newborn one. Consequently, there is reason to believe that much more attention from the readership will be drawn to the well-known writer in the future. This particular article can contribute to increasing interest to such contemp&orary works of art like the mentioned novel. Perspectives for further research we see in the upcoming pieces of art, which will make it possible to rethink and raise new issues in Ukrainian history and literature.