Розглянуто аспект фальшування монет за часів правління литовського князя Олександра Ягеллона, а також технологічні особливості їх виготовлення. Досліджено кустарні приватні підробки монет, прототипами для виробництва яких стали литовські денарії та півгроші, карбовані від імені Олександра Ягеллона.
В статье рассмотрен аспект фальсификации монет во время правления литовского князя Александра Ягеллона, а также технологические особенности их производства. Исследованы кустарные частные подделки монет, прототипами для производства которых послужили литовские денарии и полугроши, чеканенные от имени князя Александра Ягеллона.
This article tells about the aspect of the coin counterfeit in the time of rule of Lithuanian dukeAleksander Jagiello. Also the technological aspect of production of the forgeries is given. The privateforgeries of the Lithuanian pennies and half-groats are mainly investigated.On the break of XV-XVI centuries Lithuanian coins where playing the mail role in the money circulation of the Ukrainian lands, and that"s why became the prototypes for the coin falsifi cation. According to the monetary reform of the duke Aleksander Jagiello, the only two coin denominations where minted - the small silver pennies and the half-groats, which h&ave founded the representation also in the private forgeries. The technology of the forgery coins production had next stages: 1. First the raw copper was turning to the plate. 2. The plate of copper was being cutted to produce the circular blanks. 3.& Making the relief on the blanks was performed by the hand-made coin dies. 4. Final stage was in putting the layer of the precious metal for giving the forgery the view of the grade coin. 5. The forgeries made fully from tin are also known.Putting of& the layer of the precious metal was making by amalgamation or tinning. The iconographic simplicity and wide representation of the pennies of Aleksander Jagiello on the money market of Ukrainian lands were the main reasons for their use as samples fo&r counterfeit. We suggest, that described in numismatic literature types of pennies without the letter "A" on obverse, probably can be the old counterfeited forgeries in a high level of production. The finds of the forged coins of the duke Aleksander& Jagiellon are known from the Ukrainian historical lands of Volhynia, Podolia and Galicia.