В статті акцентується увага на ролі класичних університетів у підготовці педагогічних кадрів. Наголошується на значенні застосування компетентнісного підходу в роботі зі студентами. Доводиться, що важливим компонентом професійної підготовки фахівців є інноваційна діяльність викладача; асистентська педагогічна практика. Обґрунтовується значення електронної освіти, дистанційного та змішаного навчання. Аргументується важливість синтезу формальної та неформальної освіти, нових підходів для підвищення якості викладання, формування системи знань "soft skills".
The article focuses on the role of classical universities in the development of education and training of teachers; some issues of their historical progress and economic, socio-cultural influences onthe state of functioning are revealed. The importance of classical universities in the training of highly qualified, competitive in the modern labor market specialists with higher education is highlighted. The peculiarity of training scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers at the third (educational-scientific) level of higher pedagogical education in accordance with the international, European requirements for doctors of philosophy is indicated. Emphasis is placed on the importance in today"s c&onditions of taking into account the previous experience of teacher training in classical universities; applying a competency-based approach to working with students preparing to become teachers. It is proved that an important component of profession&al training of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical staff in the classical university is the innovative activity of the teacher; assistant pedagogical practice regulated by the curriculum. The importance of distance learning in the training of teac&hers is substantiated, the advantage of which is internationality: the possibility of receiving education without leaving their country and providing educational services to foreign citizens who are abroad; introduction of e-learning, which is a nece&ssary condition for conducting not only distance learning, but also blended learning, which is a combination of academic and innovative learning, interactive and elearning. The importance of scientific and methodological system, synthesis of formal a&nd non-formal (distance education), implementation of new tools and approaches to improve the quality of teaching is argued; constant updating of the content of educational disciplines and formation of the system of knowledge "soft skills", skills of& research work, etc.