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Опис документа:

Автор: Odarchenko R.S., Dakov S.Y., Dakova L.V.
Назва: Research of cyber security mechanisms in modern 5G cellular networks
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 27-36
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Безпека інформаційних систем і технологій
Анотація:   The main feature of the 5G network is Network slicing. This concept enables network resource efficiency, deploy-ment flexibility, and support for rapid growth in over the top (OTT) applications and services. Network Slicing involves splitting the 5G physical architecture into multiple virtual networks or layers. Each network layer (slice) includes con-trol layer functions, user traffic level functions, and a radio access network.
   Slice isolation is an important requirement that allows the basic concept of Network slicing to be applied to the sim-ultaneous coexistence of multiple fragments in a single infrastructure. This property is achieved by the fact that the performance of each slice should not affect the performance of the other. The architecture of network fragments ex-pands in two main aspects: slice protection (cyber attacks or malfunctions affect only the target slice and have a limited impact on the life cycle of other existing ones) and slice privacy (private information about each slice, such as user statistics) does not exchange between other slices).
   In 5G, the interaction of the user"s equipment with the data networks is established using PDU sessions. Multiple PDU sessions can be active at the same time to connect to different& networks. In this case, different sessions can be created using different network functions following the concept of Network Slicing.
   The concept of "network architecture", which is developed on hardware solutions, is losing its relevance. It will& be more appropriate to call 5G a system, or a platform because it is implemented using software solutions.
   5G functions are implemented in VNF virtual software functions running in the network virtualization infrastruc-ture, which, in turn, is imp&lemented in the physical infrastructure of data centers, based on standard commercial COTS equipment, which includes only three types of standard devices - server, switch and a storage system.
   For the correct operation of a network, it is necessary& to provide constant monitoring of parameters which are de-scribed above. Monitoring is a specially organized, periodic observation of the state of objects, phenomena, processes for their assessment, control, or forecasting. The monitoring system col&lects and processes information that can be used to improve the work process, as well as to inform about the presence of deviations.
   There is a lot of network monitoring software available today, but given that 5G is implemented on virtual elements&, it is advisable to use the System Center Operations Manager component to monitor network settings and performance and to resolve deviations on time.
   The Operations Manager reports which objects are out of order sends alerts when problems are dete&cted and pro-vides information to help determine the cause of the problem and possible solutions.
   So, for the 5G network, it is extremely important to constantly monitor its parameters for the timely elimination of deviations, as it can impair the &performance and interaction of smart devices, as well as the quality of communication and services provided. System Center Operations Manager provides many opportunities for this.
   The purpose and objectives of the work. The work aims to analyze the& main mechanisms of cybersecurity in 5G cel-lular networks
   Основною особливістю мережі 5G є розділення мережі. Ця концепція забезпечує ефективність використання мережних ресурсів, гнучкість розгортання та підтримку швидкого зростання топових (OT&T) програм і служб. Зрізування мережі передбачає поділ фізичної архітектури 5G на кілька віртуальних мереж або шарів. Кожен ме- режний рівень (зріз) включає функції рівня керування, функції рівня трафіка користувача та мережу радіодоступу. Ізоляція ф&рагментів є важливою вимогою, яка дозволяє застосувати основну концепцію зрізу мережі до одночасно- го співіснування кількох фрагментів в одній інфраструктурі. Ця властивість досягається тим, що продуктивність кожного зрізу не повинна впливати на про&

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