Присвячено осмисленню однієї з основних і найменш досліджених проблем творчості Т. Шевченка - проблеми національної самокритики.
Об"єктом осмислення послужили поеми періоду заслання ("Іржавець", "Чернець", "Москалева криниця"). Основну увагу автором зосереджено на характеристиці їх образно-смислового та виражального ряду. Проаналізовано причини звернення Т. Шевченка до проблеми національної самокритики, її семантику. Наголошено на необхідності розкодування прихованих смислів, а також перегляді заявлених інтерпретацій названих поем.
The relevance of the article is due to the fact that this topic is one of the main and central in the work of Taras Shevchenko and, unfortunately, the least researched.
During the years of exile, it is concretized in theplane of self-betrayal, captivity of spirit, lack of responsibility for the fate of Ukraine by representatives of the national leadership.
For analysis, the author of the article selected the most complex texts depicting the most tragic pages of Ukrainian history - the poems "Irzhavets", "Chernets", "Moscaleva krynytsa". The main focus is on situations and images that embody national shame and sin, in particular on the images of Hetman Mazepa and Colonel Pali. It is noted that in assessing the imag&e of Mazepa, T. Shevchenko differs from the tendency to portray Hetman Mazepa both in European literature and in domestic artistic and historiographical monuments.
The main attention in the article is focused on the interpretive specifics, on the pe&culiarities of the interpretation of the psychological drama of the central characters. Characteristic stylistic features of texts are considered.
Based on the analysis of the value-semantic parameters of both editions of another poem of the period &of exile "Moscaleva krynytsa" the author of the article presents his version of both the symbolism of the name and the essential features of the central character. At the same time, the illegality of absolutization of any interpretations, the reason &for which is the depth of Shevchenko"s texts, is emphasized.