Досліджено функціонування сонорних губних приголосних у поезії Лесі Українки, зокрема звукові ряди із сонорними лабіальними консонантами, які завдяки своїм артикуляційно-акустичним умовам творення є вираженням милозвучності мовлення, що формує у слухачапевний звуковий образ мови. Показано, як за допомогою фонетичних засобів, прийомів, фігур досягається милозвучність Лесиного слова. Проаналізовано один із різновидів фонетичних фігур - алітерацію сонорних консонантів в, м, яка наскрізно пронизує поетичні тексти Лесі Українки.
Language is not available to the linguist for direct observation, the researcher directly studies only the facts of speech, or linguistic phenomena - the speech acts of native speakers together with their results (texts). This understanding follows from the ontological nature of language / speech, according to which the origin, development, functioning and generation of speech are encoded in language as a generalized system. The language system is what is objectively embedded in the language material, and what is manifested in individual language systems that arise under the influence of this material, so the language material should look for a source of language unity within the social groups. Individual systems are a conc&rete manifestation of the language system, and therefore the study of the first to know the second is quite natural. From the point of view of such understanding we suggest to consider sonorous lips of consonants in Lesya Ukrainka"s poetry. Lesya Ukr&ainka is the most significant phenomenon of Ukrainian culture of the Shevchenko era. Taras Shevchenko, Ivan Franko and Lesya Ukrainka are the core of Ukrainian poetry. Lesya Ukrainka, like Shevchenko and Franko, worked tirelessly to establish, create& and develop the Ukrainian literary language. Lesia Ukrainka"s linguistics was studied by the following linguists: I. Bilodid, S. Bohdan, N. Davydenko, I. Datsyuk, M. Druzhynets, V. Zakhanevych, I. Oliynyk, P. Orest, K. Lenets, L. Matsko, M. Plyushch&, V. Pokalchuk, O. Sydorenko, I. Farion, L. Shulinova, S. Yarmolenko and others. Written about the language of Lesya Ukrainka - the linguistic research of the phenomena of artistic speech of the writer, in particular synonymy, word formation, syntact&ic features, stylistic means and extralinguistic factors, etc. Lesya Ukrainka"s phonetic level is insufficiently appreciated by linguists. The sound harmony and expressiveness of Lesya Ukrainka"s poetic language were studied by single Ukrainian resea&rchers (G. Syuta, I. Kachurovsky). In this regard, there is a need to consider the poetic series of Lesya Ukrainka with sonorous lips, which contribute to the melody / melodiousness of Lesya"s word, serves as a means of creating sound images.