Changes in regional atmospheric circulation can reflect or cause climate change over several decades and centuries. These changes are linked to both the anthropogenic factor and the cyclical fluctuations of the atmospheric circulation centers in the North Atlantic, which are distinctively manifested in different parts of the European continent. The study aims to identify changes of the atmospheric circulation types in the years of 1881-2017 at different time spans in Western Ukraine, where the manifestation of regional atmospheric circulation is like the circulating patterns over Central Euro pe. For statistical analysis of regional circulation changes, a calendar of types of atmospheric circulation according to the Nied ? wied ? T. classification, who identified 21 types of atmospheric circ ulation, was applied. The peculiarities are detected at the three-time spans (1881-1940, 1940-1970, 1970-2017) and compared to the course of air temperatures and precipitation in the seasonal and annual context. In the period of 1881-2017, there was no clear trend in changes of anticyclonic or cyclonic types, although anticyclonic types are predominant in the year (over 75 % of all the years). At shorter intervals, changes in the ratio of anticyclon&ic and anticy clonic types correspond to some long-term changes in air temperatures and precipitation amounts (periods of 1881-1940, 1970-2017). Some periods with several years of deviation, such as the years of 1940-1970 and 1971-2017, are consist&ent with certain types o f fluctuations in the North Atlantic Oscillation. The most eviden ced is the increase in anticyclonic types of atmospheric circula tion at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries corresponding to warming. More features in the temp&oral distribution of types of atmospheri c circulation are observed in the seasonal context. In April - November, in 78 % of annual cases, the prevalence of anticyclonic weather was detected, but the predominance is much smaller (up to 16 %) than i&n terms of years. The anticyclonic type of wedge or high-pressure ridge (Ka) and the cyclonic type of the low-press ure trough (Bc) is invariably frequent in April - November. However, since the 1970s, an increase in anticyclonic types of the weste&rn sector (SWa, Wa, NWa) has been observed. In December - March, the number of anticyclonic types from the western sector has also increased. Instead, a decrease in the number of days with typical for the region cyclonic situations from the west an&d northwest has been detected. In terms of months, since the 19 70s, the biggest changes were observed in December and January. In December, the number of anticyclonic types has increased, and in January the number of days with the western cyclonic& type has decreased. The multidecadal course of air temperatures and precipitation is associated with the changes in the ratio between the cyclonic and anticyclonic circulation types and NAO phases in three periods within 1881-2017. The changes and& the peculiarities detected imply that the types of atmospheric circulation are appropriate to detect decadal climate changes in terms of seasons and mo.
Зміни регіональної атмосферної циркуляції відображають і спричиняють кліматичні зміни кіл&ькадесятилітніх та столітніх періо - дів . Ці трансформації пов " язують як із антропогенним чинником , так і з циклічними коливаннями центрів дії атмосфери у Північній Атлантиці , що специфічно виявляють себе у різних частинах європейського конти&ненту . Дослідження спрямоване на виявлення таких змін упродовж 1881-2017 рр . у різних часових зрізах на теренах Західної України , де вияв регіональної атмосферної циркуляції схожий до циркуляційних патернів над Центральною Європою . Для стати&стичного аналізу часових змін регіональної атмосферної циркуляції використано календар типів атмосферної циркуляції за класифікацією T. Nied ? wied ? , яким виділено 21 тип атмосферної циркуляції . Особливості визначені у трьох часових проміжках (&