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Опис документа:

Автор: Олтаржевський Д.
Назва: Корпоративні комунікації в Україні в умовах війни з росією
Видавництво: Інститут журналістики
Сторінок: С. 73-85
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Наукові записки Інституту журналістики
Анотація:   The objective of the research is to characterize the peculiarities of corporate communications in wartime. Does their intensity change; what are the priority groups of stakeholders, the thematic vectors and tonality, what communication channels are usedin such circumstances? The study is based on the online survey of representatives of 63 companies operating in Ukraine under the conditions of a full-scale invasion of the russian federation. The questionnaire contained ten multiple-choice questions andone more, which required a detailed answer regarding the general perception of transformations in corporate communications. Based on this, the model of communication behavior of companies in terms of war was analyzed. The study proves that corporate communications remain a strategically important area of management. At the beginning of a full-scale russian aggression, the Ukrainian companies sought not only to preserve the volume of communications but also to increase it. The priority group of stakeholders for them turned out to be the staff, as well as the customers, business partners, authorities and volunteer organizations. The most common topics are the company news, military assistance, volunteering and employee stories. The communication tona&lity has changed and is defined as optimistic, motivational, sincere and friendly. In the conditions of restrictions, the companies concentrated on using the social networks, groups and channels in messengers and corporate websites. The value of the &research is in the fact that it contributes to expansion of understanding of the phenomenon of crisis corporate communications and, from a practical point of view, directs the companies to search for such approaches and methods of dialogue with stake&holders that help businesses to survive during the war.

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