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Опис документа:

Автор: Волик А.
Назва: Образ українського університету в суспільстві в контексті медіа (результати опитування)
Видавництво: Інститут журналістики
Сторінок: С. 54-69
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Наукові записки Інституту журналістики
Анотація:   The objective of the article is to find out the national university"s image in the Ukrainian society based on the results of students? and teachers survey of the rating universities and also to determine the role of media in the process of its creation.To achieve this objective, the following tasks were formed to determine the factors that influenced creation of the university?s image for each respondent; to confirm or to refute the statement that the media influence formation of the university?s image; to find out the information preferences of the survey?s participants in the context of media messages about the university and to form a list of topics the coverage of which is lack for consumers of information. The research was conducted with the useof various methods of scientific knowledge, where sociological questionnaire survey was selected as the basic method of empirical research. At the different stages, the methods of classification, generalization, observation and statistical counting wereused. The survey participants were 500 respondents, including 390 students - 89% and 110 teachers (11%). Of these, 69% (345) were women and 31% (155) were men. The survey was conducted electronically by sending the messages to the potential responden&ts. At the stage of data compilation the information was systematized by the method of automatic statistics formation by the Google"s online tools. education. The received results can be used to design a practical model of university"s positive image& creation in the media and the society.
   The results of the study. The survey results indicate the significant role of media in the process of creating university image, in fact, this image in the society is mostly positive. At the same time more tha&n a half of the respondents are satisfied fully or partially with Ukrainian higher.

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