Досліджено фундаментальні світоглядні засади поетичної збірки Григорія Сковороди "Сад Божественних пісень". Наголошено на новаторстві митця у сфері творення нових засобів поетичного вираження, зокрема поетики. Представлено бачення і тлумачення Сковородою важливих філософських категорій, акцентовано на творенні митцем власних символів, метафор, алегорій. Проаналізовано особливості синтезу у світогляді автора античних, середньовічних і ренесансних
традицій. Світоглядні засади збірки "Сад Божественних пісень" охарактеризовано як барокові за своїм характером і вираженням.
In this article the fundamental outlook basic of poetical book "Garden of God songs" of Hryhorii Skovoroda is investigated. It is underlined the new character of formation of modern methods of poetic representation, partly poetic. It is represented understanding and interpretation by Skovoroda of difficult and important philosophical categories. It is underlined the formation by poet individual symbols, allegories and metaphor. It is analysed the join it his outlook the Ancient, Middle Ages and Renaissance traditions. The outlook basic of book "Garden of God Songs" is characterised as Baroque. The general symbols in the art outlook of Hryhorii Skovoroda is mirror, way, nom, snake,& stone, circle, sea, plant, garden, theatre. Symbols and emblems of poetic texts represent his Baroque outlook, that was formed in the basic of Bible, Ancient traditions and philosophical thinking. Poetic texts of book and its ideas in this book repr&esented its connection with European literature traditions. That is why we can analysed literary heritage of writer in the context of the world literature and philosophy. In general in book of Hryhorii Skovoroda "Garden of God songs" we can observe t&he Baroque complicate art conception and outlook system. The outlook context is based on the reinterpretation of Middle Ages and Renaissance traditions. The text of author represent the interpretation of Bible texts and Ancient culture. These two equ&al sources for inspiration and looking texts. The outlook system of Skovoroda is represented through reading not only exterior text but interior text too. Author formed individual interpretation model interpretation model of outlook thinking. It is p&resented through system of art images with Baroque character.