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Опис документа:

Автор: Noga B.
Назва: Changes in the course of the vistula riverbed vs. the risk of flood on the territory of Sandomierz
Видавництво: ВГЛ «Обрії»
Сторінок: C. 94-101
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Фізична географія та геоморфологія
Анотація:   Vistuladiffers, throughout its length, in progress of regulation works that have been started in the 19th century. Around 3,8 km of its length lies within the territory of Sandomierz. The Town has specific geological and morphological location. On the northern side, there is the Sandomierska Upland covered with loess soils(that are subjected to erosion from water); on the other one, there is the Sandomierska Valley covered with diluvial soils (a high-risk flood area). The results of carrying out regulation works have led not only to shortening the river course and reshaping the riverbed, but also building the new embankments as well as creating relatively narrow area of the inter-embankment zone. In recent years, there were some floods one the territory of Sandomierz and they were caused, in large part, by the poor condition of embankments (lack of maintenance and money for their modernisation resulted in negligence of this infrastructure), and developing as well as narrowing high-risk flood areas.

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