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Опис документа:

Автор: Zhilenko Mykola
Назва: Use of non-formal education elements in the organisation of students" independent work
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: P. 23-28
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка
Анотація:   Background. The analysis of the latest publications and approval of scientific research at conferences, symposia, during the discussions of scientists show that today approaches to the organization of the educational process are changing - first under the influence of the COVID-19 epidemic, and then Russian aggression against Ukraine. At the same time, despite everything, formal education remains the main daily activity of an individual in higher education institutions. It is based on modern scientifictrends and practices. Getting an educational service is becoming more available An individual education trajectory is formed, including using distance learning technologies. It is the organization of the educational process with the use of remote technologies that becomes the leading one in wartime conditions. Approaches to its organization using elements of non-formal education deserve special attention. The purpose of the article is to understand the place of informal education in the educational process of a higher school, and the task is to consider the possible applied aspects of informal education in the training of specialists within the educational and scientific program "Educational, pedagogical technologies" specialty 011 Educational, peda&gogical sciences, in particular, to analyze the possibilities of using elements of informal education in the construction and organization of the study of the discipline "Innovative educational technologies", the content of students" independent work&. Considerable attention was paid to the search for an answer to the question - to what extent independent work at such an organization will allow for the formation of competencies provided by the work program of disciplines (RPND) and the program le&arning results contained in the educational program. To achieve the goal and solve the tasks, the following methods were used: modeling of students" activities, using already existing work experience in mastering the content of educational discipline&s by students in other educational programs: interviews, surveys, evaluation of completed tasks, feedback (questionnaires). Results . When creating the working program of the course and researching the possibilities of using elements of non-formal ed&ucation, step-by-step modeling of the activities of master"s students was used, during which the search for available massive open online courses that could complement the content of education should take place, taking into account the purpose and ta&sks of the discipline, the time of independent work to master these courses, specific results that can be checked and taken into account within the framework of the modular rating system for evaluating the educational achievements of students. Conclu&sions . The results of the discussion of the concept of the work program with colleagues showed that the proposed organization of independent work of students using elements of non-formal education during the study of the discipline "Innovative educa&tional technologies" will contribute to the formation of competencies and program learning outcomes provided for by the educational and scientific program and will specify and optimize the organization of independent work as the most important compon&ent of the educational process at the second level of higher education.
   Вступ . Аналіз останніх публікацій та апробації наукових досліджень на конференціях, симпозіумах, під час дискусій науковців показують, що нині змінюються підходи до організац&ії освітнього процесу - спочатку під впливом епідемії COVID-19, а потім російської агресії проти України. Водночас формальна освіта попри все залишається головною повсякденною активністю особистості в ЗВО. Вона базується на сучасних наукових тенденці&ях і практиках. Отримання освітньої послуги стає більш доступною. Формується індивідуальна траєкторія освіти, зокрема з використанням технологій дистанційного навчання. Саме організація освітнього процесу з використанням дистанційних технологій стає &

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